I am a very happy owner of many of your products. The latest AnyCount 7 Enterprise is a real surprise when it counts image files. Keep up the good job!
"I really appreciate the support from AnyCount when something doesn't work like I want it to. Being able to count different kinds of files, especially ppt, is a big help in my work as a translator. I'm waiting for an update to count indesign files."
Congratulations for your excellent tool AnyCount which we just purchased and started using
AnyCount is a satisfying and inexpensive tool worth buying.
One of my best tools is Anycount.
I'm very happy with it, myself, and having tested it against PDF files whose word count I know, I can tell that your product is accurate.
I can assure you that AnyCount is a very helpful tool that I love very much.I mainly use it to count .ppt and .pdf which makes life much more easer when quoting texts to be translated to a customer.
Unbelievable that service!! I'm very happy to have decided for Anycount!
"This program saved my life! With the 6.0 version, the counts were so much lower because of the graphics. Thank you so much!"
"Es ist recht verbreitet und wird auch in größeren Firmen oft benutzt - was es zur offiziellen Abrechnungsgrundlage qualifiziert.
[It is quite common and is also used in larger companies, which qualifies it to be an official settlement basis.]"
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